Skechers shoes

In an industry where the top two players (Nike and Adidas) hesitate to identify as value brands, US-based Skechers has built its own reputation by offering style and comfort along with value through its lifestyle and performance footwear. The industry disruptor is today the world’s third largest athletic lifestyle brandContinue Reading

Maruti Suzuki Car Key

For the common man, the achievement of buying their own house and car is a dream. In the last 37 years, Maruti Suzuki has fulfilled the dream of owning a car for more than 2 crore Indians! With over 50% market share in the passenger car market, Maruti is byContinue Reading

Macbook Air

For all those stuck in the eternal Mac vs Windows debate, I have just one piece of advice – You have to use it to believe it! There’s a lot more in a MacBook than just the aesthetic appeal that every Apple product embodies. I jumped on the Mac bandwagonContinue Reading

Mother Dairy cheese cubes

If you ask any Delhiite what’s their favourite childhood memory of summers, many of us would say – evening strolling about India Gate and slurping ice-cream! The ice cream carts at every meter of Rajpath from the likes of Kwality Wall’s, Mother Dairy, Cream Bell and Amul offer vast arrayContinue Reading

Ramen Noodles

When India’s PM announced nationwide lockdown on 24th March 2020, many of us rushed out to stock “daily essentials”. In case of millennials , it meant stocking up on instant noodles like Maggi, Top Ramen, Yippee, Wai Wai. These have often been our alternatives to a full meal. Remember thoseContinue Reading

levi's jeans

In the era of online shopping, enticing discounts and fleeting loyalty, it is hardly surprising to see consumers jump ship. So, when it comes to apparels, what stops me? To begin with, few brands enjoy such iconic status, riveting history and cultural heritage as Levi’s – the brand that gaveContinue Reading