Maggi Noodles

Maggi has been the favourite go-to snack for most millennials and Gen-Zers. We have countless memories associated with it, from hoarding the tiffin of that one student who used to bring Maggi to the class, to making it at 2 am in the night with our cousins when hunger pangs hit us while playing video games.

Most of us reminisce fondly about our childhood days when our mothers brought a bowl with piping hot Maggi noodles to our beds and warned us not to spill it over. Later it became an integral part of our college life. More often than not it became a survival tool for hostellers who sought solace from the terrible mess food.

Maggi is not just a snack for the majority of the young population in India. It is a significant part of our memories. These noodles have been an irreplaceable part of our lives and sometimes the only support system to rely on. When they were taken off the shelves because of a legal issue, none of the available brands could subside the hunger that could only be satisfied through that packet of nostalgia.

While we were busy reminiscing about it, Maggi was watching and listening to us. Every brand or product is centered around the consumer. When the consumers were aggressively demanding its return, Maggi was patiently observing and planning the strategy of its massive comeback. That’s how they came up with the #WeMissYouToo campaign.

How did Maggi get the idea to roll out the #WeMissYouToo campaign?

Apart from storytelling, Maggi utilized its brand monitoring and social listening aspects. Social listening tools like Awario help a particular brand track the number of times the name of that brand appears in numerous mentions across different social media platforms. This includes both direct and indirect mentions. By monitoring through such tools, one can get to know what the consumers are talking about their brand.

A brand is not just about what it can give to the consumer. It’s also about what the consumer is demanding from the brand. This analysis led Maggi to come back with strong advertising full of emotions – that it wasn’t just us who were missing Maggi, but also the brand which was missing us in an equal measure.

The advertisements were conceptualized around the nostalgia of late-night hostel cooking and mothers making 2-minute noodles for their kids. The campaign was focused on how we shared our memories with Maggi in different phases of our lives and how desperately we wanted it to come back.

Maggi | #WeMissYouToo

Social listening is one of the most efficient ways to get to know what the consumers are talking about even when the brand name is not directly mentioned. It paves the way for the brand to decide on the next advertisement based on the social media mentions.

The Maggi advertisement campaign and the noodles were welcomed by the consumers with open arms. The different route which the brand took to come back was highly appreciated and applauded.

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