Titan Watch

We all like different brands for different reasons. Some like it for the user experience, some for the design, and so on and so forth. My favourite brand is Titan! It’s a leading player in watches, jewellery and eyewear categories today. In fact, it’s the world’s fifth-largest watchmaker. Yet, the reason I am attached so deeply to Titan is that I’ve grown up looking up to this brand. 

My dad works for Titan, and more than just for the stylish products, I admire Titan for the organisation that it is! The company’s Tagline is “Be More” and I can’t stress how true they are to this! Since childhood, I have always felt like I was part of the organisation. Having visited the factory for various events and competitions, I am still in awe of how they’ve evolved over the years yet maintained personal ties with every family working for them. 

I remember how excited I was when the brand launched its ‘Zoop‘ collection for kids. I got this adorable sunflower watch and I used to wear it only for special occasions!

And then came the biggest opportunity through Titan. My dad gets to work in Hong Kong and we shift there for 2 years! What more could an 11-year-old ask for, right? It was amazing! 

Jump to 2012. We are back in India, and I get to study in Titan school which was started by the first Managing Director, Mr. Xerxes Desai, for the children of Titan employees. I was elated. They made sure we had a very smooth transition. The education there was top-notch and a little outside the box which made it all the more special. 

These were just a few glimpses of how Titan has been present in several major aspects of my life. When I look back, Titan has always been there, guiding my entire family to a good place where we are right now and I will forever be grateful for that. For me, Titan is not just an organization, it is a way of life. Titan has definitely taught me that to create an impact, a brand’s products are enough but to leave an impression forever, it has to be much more than that! It’s an art that the company has nailed over the years! 

Here’s my favourite watch from Titan that is also my lucky charm! 🙂

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  1. Really inspiring and motivating post. Wish you all the very best.

  2. Good translation of thoughts into writing. Thanks for the 918 bracelet model watch image, happy to see the bracelet which i am part.

  3. Excellent and inspiring thoughts. All the best.

  4. Great start, Heena. Write more!

  5. Congrats Heena, very well articulated. Makes happy that how titan is enagaging and involving with employees and their families and Society.

  6. Great, well atriculated and inspiring.Those associated with Titan will know the value and the impact that Titan created in their life.

    All the very best

  7. Great Narration from the heart felt experiences ,realized in the way of life and growth. Surely TITAN is more than BRAND.
    Very well stated and presented. All the very best.Stay blessed.

  8. I completely agree. I am proud to have connected with Titan and greatly influenced by the values.

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